22 January 2011 @ 12:26 AM

more 1week , bday c dia :")
huhue .

boy , pha khbr da ? :)
chat2 gaq kn d sna ?
i miss you T_T

dkat da bday mue boy ,
ak mawk urank ptma y wish kw .
wish all de best to you heart .
hope you will b apy more than b4 without me :D </3

hmm , ak maci dlm proses m'lpakn dEa dri mindQ <///3
so chayoo to me yea !
sumtimes , ak t'engtkn dEa bla ak 
-sumone call his nme
-atw adha sumthing y uwat ak engt kmbali
auwww . fuhh ! 
lega da aTy luahkn sparu eC aTy d blog . huhue .
pha y a hrpkn KETENANGAN then 4get all .
fullstop :")


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