23 June 2011 @ 1:44 AM

Three most important in your life
rambut jiwaQ

Three person you miss from your past 
kawan lama
cikgu2 sekolah rendah

Three gifts you would like to receive
 domo things
 laptop pless :( 

Three of your favorite hobbies
dengar lagu

Three place you want to go for vacation
tmpat yang cantiik
pulaau yang indaah <3

Three favorite drinks
 green tea my love ! <3
 pearl (Bobo tea)
 100 pluss

Three things found in your bag
 celak senantiasa <3
 money tak boleh kuraang 

Top three foods you love so much

Top three things special to you
 family semestinya <3
 my BFF yang sentiasa LUCU
 someone yang menghargai diriQ

Top three attitudes you like
 spoooting ! xD
 owess make fun
 baik hati , suka menolong 

Top three faced you like
 whitee . muaahaha
 ada lesung pipi
 muka y tak menyampah & perogool

Three things you'll be doing tomorrow
 go to school TT
 sleeep zZ
 tak tauu lhaa , belum tau aku masih ada di dunia ni ><


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